Leading the way: Insights from the Colonel Bourg social housing project, an affordable & sustainable housing solution for all.
Last month, despite the wind and rain, supporters of the Build Better Lives campaign made the journey out to the Colonel Bourg social housing project in the neighbourhood of Reyers in the heart of Schaerbeek, Brussels, to see how affordable & sustainable housing projects are building better lives.
OPINION: Renovating buildings while leaving no one behind
Eva Brardinelli, EU Buildings Policy Expert at CAN Europe, reflects on the tumultuous revision process of the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) and how this is now a starting point for European Union member states to ramp up their efforts towards holistic building renovation that leaves no one behind. Despite however the best efforts of […]
Better and healthier households will improve the quality of life for all generations
Improving building policy in the European Union is not just a matter of enhancing energy efficiency; it is a crucial instrument in the fight against energy poverty and health inequity. Current estimates reveal a staggering number; over 50 million households suffer from a lack of adequate energy services in the home, significantly affecting their physical and mental health.
Rent indexation stop: A renovation catalyst?
As a response to the energy crisis, Flanders implemented a rent indexation stop for energy leaky housing with the goal of easing the ordeal for vulnerable tenants that are facing higher living costs, a tripling of their energy bills and rent indexation. The measure led to an increased number of renovations according to the Flemish Rent Platform, as landlords looked to maximize their profits. Nonetheless, the Flemish government decided to discontinue the indexation stop, as supposedly the energy crisis is “over now”.
Giant building blocks remind negotiators to Build Better Lives
Activists built a three metre high house out of coloured building blocks in front of the European Council and Commission buildings to call for an ambitious and socially just EPBD before the end of the year. The action is part of the Build Better Lives Campaign, which brings together 80 social, health and environmental groups, trade unions and youth movements across Europe.
OPINION: Heat or eat? How efficient buildings today can save lives tomorrow
An opinion peice written by Eva Brardinelli, buildings policy expert at CAN Europe, and Mónica Vidal, is heating campaigner at CAN Europe, examines how transforming our homes and buildings can protect lives from extreme climate events and colder homes.
German associations call on their Government to improve building’s renovation rates
On the 19th July, an alliance of 15 industry, consumer, environmental and climate protection associations signed onto a joint letter sent to the German government expressing their concerns over the about the current slump in building renovation rates within Germany. The letter warns that without reducing energy consumption within our buildings, a socially acceptable and environmental friendly energy transition would be impossible.
Joint call for the Spanish Council Presidency to deliver an ambitious EU Building’s Directive
On the 11th July, 2023, ahead of the first informal European Council to be hosted under the new EU Spanish Presidency in Valladolid, Spain, civil society organisations, social and environmental NGOs, trade unions and academia across Spain signed onto a joint statement demanding the urgent and ambitious approval of the new European Directive on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings (EPBD).