One-stop-shops are an essential ‘tool’ for delivering home renovations. They offer an essential service that simplifies the journey toward creating decent, energy-efficient, and homes for all.
Continue reading to find out more about why they’re essential for the success of the green energy transition.
Simplifying the renovation process
Having to navigating the technical and financials hurdles of a renovation can be overwhelming due to financial hurdles and/or the technical complexities. One-stop-shops offer guidance every step of the way. They streamline the process, provide tailored advice, energy audits, and technical support. Whilst also making sure that people have access to subsidies, financing options and reliable installers. All of this in one accessible location.
A must-have for vulnerable households
They are more than only helpful for vulnerable households, who often live in the worst performing homes and are often faced with multiple barriers in accessing energy upgrades for their home. The personalised and tailored support they offer is crucial in enabling vulnerable households to access – and benefit from – energy-efficiency renovations in their homes. They also offer valuable advice on reducing household energy consumption and renewable-based heating & cooling solutions, which helps lowering their energy bills, as well as improving their living conditions.

Addressing the key challenges
On-stop-shops need to be coupled with tailored outreach programs and economic support in order to successfully support vulnerable households. Energy-poor households are often excluded from traditional grants and loans due to complex requirements or barriers such as upfront costs. It is also important that one-stop-shops are managed on a not-for-profit basis to ensure they serve the people who need their services the most. It is therefore also essential that they are well staffed and resourced. Municipalities, for example, should provide training to people working in the social sector so that they can to adequately refer people to renovation and renewable programmes.
Reaching multiple goals in one
Investing in one-stop-shops aligns with the EU’s commitment to social inclusion, energy efficiency, and climate neutrality. By supporting vulnerable households to live in energy-efficient homes, one-stop shops help to tackle energy poverty whilst simultaneously contributing to the EU’s green transition goals.
Our call to action
European decisionmakers must champion policies and funding mechanisms that support the roll-out of one-stop shops across all Member States. Together, we can ensure that no one is left behind and that every European household benefits from a fair and sustainable energy future.
Let’s build better lives!